Identifier for advertisers (IDFA)
What is Apple's Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA)? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.
In-App advertising
What is In-App Advertising? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.
In-App bidding
What is In-App Bidding? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.
In-App events
In-app events (IAE) are live events that happen inside iOS apps. There are plenty of options available to you: game competitions, movie premiers, livestream experiences and more.
Installs per mille (IPM)
What are Installs Per Mille (IPM)? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.
Interactive ads
What is Interactive Advertising? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.
Interstitial ads
What is an Interstitial Ad? Get the full definition and learn more about the mobile growth realm with Chartboost's glossary.