What is Google Play Pass
Google Play Pass is a paid-for subscription service that provides access to 500+ Google Play high-quality, curated games without ads and in-app purchases. It’s Google Play’s equivalent to Apple’s ‘Apple Arcade’ of the same premise. Google Play users can subscribe after a month’s free trial to the paid subscription ($30 annual instead of the usual $4.99/month fee.)
Why Google Play Pass is Important
Google Play will try to surface any apps from its Google Play Pass premium collection more frequently to encourage usage of the paid subscriptions (the channel will be providing Google with a different revenue source so presumably they’ll be pushing it as much as possible.)
It’s important because it’s a completely separate channel for growth. For app devs / marketers who are interested in this route ( it’s currently a by acceptance-only option), as an additional channel it offers the potential for more reach, more discoverability and could result in an increase of installs.